

(中英文对照)南大的英雄儿女与蛀虫 The honourable children of Nantah, and the worms





1950和60年代的南大(南洋大学)史,可以毫不夸张地说,是在血汗泪水、政治镇压 与驱逐行动中写下来的。千万别把当今的重建同名学府和南大混为一谈。许 多那一 年代的南大校友只把现有的”南大”看成是冒充南大的山寨版。这其中的过程和故事, 足够写成一本书,所以不再这短文里赘述。



通过一场重复性的政治暴行,李光耀在1980年代摧毁了南大校园。由于政治上的权宜之计,李光耀虽然不甘愿,却不得不把那座具有象征性的大门牌坊留下来, 却故意叫人设计一条公路,把牌坊原本的校园分开。到那时候,

南洋大学已经通过一场和星加坡大学的虚假”合并”而被消灭了。这场PAP化南大的恶行是对那些 在1950年代协助创办南洋大学的华人(包括东南亚成千上万的百姓和华商,以及慷慨的赞助人陈六使)的一种背叛。


南大史有一页黑暗面需要拿出来讨论的是政治部对南大校园的渗透活动。为了对付学生,政治部在学生当中安插”卧底”奸细。在1970年代就是因为在校园里有 一股恐惧感而使到只有少数学生敢出面参与当时的主流学生抗议活动。多数南大校友都知道”白色恐怖”是怎么一回事,这也许可以解释为什么今天这么少南大生参 与反对党政治。在南大所发生的政治镇压是造成新加坡华校生进步力量在智识发展方面停滞的基本原因。



一个能把公道正义还给那些被镇压被歧视的受害者的全国性调解过程,可望有一天会在新加坡出现。要促使这个值得纪念的大事更早发生,我们需要催化剂、我们需要像斯诺登(Edward Snowden)那样的人,我们也需要人们正视他们的良心而在历史上扮演正确的角色。目前在新加坡有这种品质的人却不多见。








The honourable children of Nantah, and the worms

Tan Wah Piow   10.9.2016


One of the questions I raise in this article, which is now published on various Singapore web-sites, is the adverse impact of the government’s persecution of Nanyang University in the 1950s and 1960s on the intellectual development of the progressive movement in Singapore.

Nantah, or Nanyang University of the 1950s and 1960s was an institution whose history, without exaggeration, was written in blood, tears, political persecutions, and banishments. Nantah should not be mistaken with the present reconstituted institution of the same name. Many of its alumni of the 1950s and 1960s generation regard the current Nanyang University as a plastic copy of the real thing. The intervening story is a deserving subject for a book, and not the purpose of this short article.

Recently one of Nantah’s alumni has painstakingly compiled a list of Nantah alumni who were persecuted in the 1950s and 1960s (including those undergraduates and graduates who were expelled, and detained without trial). If one adds to this list those who were banished, exiled, or forced to leave for the jungles; and those whose professional careers were stunned as Nantah alumni, the length of the list would shock the non-Chinese educated Singaporeans.

In an act of aggravated political vandalism, Lee Kuan Yew in the 1980s demolished the Nantah campus. Out of political expediency, Lee had to grudgingly keep the iconic Gate, but ensured that it was separated from the main campus by a highway.

By then Nanyang University was already extinguished through a pseudo-merger exercise with the University of Singapore. This PAP-nization of Nantah is a betrayed of all who helped found the university in the early 1950s, including the thousands of toiling masses in Southeast Asia, Chinese businesses, and one generous benefactor Tan Lark Sye.


One aspect of the dark history of Nantah which has yet to be told is that of infiltration of the campus by the Special Branch. To keep the students in their place, spies were recruited from amongst the students.

Such was the sense of fear on the campus at Nantah in the 1970s that only a handful of students cared to engage with the larger student protest movement of the time. Nantah alumni are all too familiar with the expression ‘white terror’, and that may explain why very few are engaged in opposition politics today. The political suppression at Nantah was responsible for the intellectual stagnation of the Chinese-educated progressive movement in Singapore.

Apart from whatever that exists in the secret police archives, retired ISD directors are the living keepers of this dark secret, . Who and where are these spies? They are not an extinct species.

I believe one of the spies from Nantah who was my one-time acquaintance had reportedly reinvented himself as a politician in the opposition camp! Such a person, paid for by the State, is not a patriot, but a despicable worm subverting the democratic process of the nation. There should be a more honourable way to make a living in Singapore.

Hopefully a day will arrive where there can be a National Reconciliation process in Singapore so that justice can eventually be returned to the victims of repression and discrimination. For such a monumental event to take place, we need catalysts, we need people like Edward Snowden, and we also need people to search their conscience and play their rightful role in history. At the moment there is a short supply of politicians and people with such calibre in Singapore.

However, when such a day does arrive, this list of names from Nantah should be etched on the wall at Nanyang University under the caption – The Spirit of Nantah. Only then could the present day Nanyang University be restored to its rightful honourable place in history.


2 thoughts on “(中英文对照)南大的英雄儿女与蛀虫 The honourable children of Nantah, and the worms

  1. 我只40年代出世,60年代中期去过南大校园参覌者,対当時南大期许至今不能忘懷,虽然物渙星移,它的偉大形象,依然流传宇宙星河中,……..那个年代年靑人,今已白髮蒼蒼的老人了. 有者帶着民族的情忎(移居星球>去了,南大的光輝历史,有待你们当年身历其中的南大生,学者去发掘和流传 ! ! !…………………..註..本老人年少時智商贫乏,小学未完当童工去也,因之老不成才,槭事一樁 !

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